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Showing posts from May 19, 2017

5 Books That Will Leave You In worst Book Hangovers + Chocolate Cravings

Okay people Its time that we face the truth no amount of begging or giving treats to that little rabbit next door who you think has a secret connection with the writing god could help us now.I'm in the worst book hangover ever and I blame you Sarah I blame you and your wonderful writing which leaves me craving for chocolates and more Rhysand so forgive me while I die in a small hole with only my tears for company. But I'm not dying without warning you people About these wonderful books which are so wonderful that they actually make you hate the Author who wrote it because how can you even read another book which is nowhere as good as this one how could you even imagine it? And then you feel like you are the most insensitive ungrateful reader who couldn't get over the fact that a book was so good that it wracked you ripped your heart in pieces left it for those crows who eat ungrateful readers( No they don't fly near me). So my precious snowflake I;m