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Showing posts from November 17, 2016


The Diabolic An awesome book if anything it was so full for everything and rightfully balanced all the elements were mastered so perfectly in this book and it could actually be called game of thrones because the court in this book were all dying to have the had a lot of political drama but in a good way it rightfully deserves its hype an amazing book if you ask me and nemesis what all with her trying to figure out her life and as in the book she is a diabolic who's sole purpose is to protect the one with whom she's bonded and kill anyone who means harm when she falls for a person she thinks herself to be selfish and thinks that she is not a true diabolic i liked it because no one can accept anything simply without an emotional turmoil. Also, i liked the plot that how there was everything there with space travel to different planet colonies and machines that can completely alter one's appearence and diabolice and other things like that but that they were